Special Projects
Helping Pastor Shazhad…
Pastor Shazhad in hospital in Pakistan 5/120/22. Picture used with permission.
Our crew friend and partner in ministry in Pakistan, Pastor Shazhad, is very very ill! High blood pressure, diabetes, and some resulting kidney and liver problems have put him back in the hospital again! Recently during an episode, Activate Love was able to send enough help to make sure that he got good care by transferring him to a private hospital . They treated him for about a week in-house, and then sent him home with instructions for ongoing care. The funds we sent were enough help him get care in that way.
But now, the high blood pressure, diabetes, and some resulting kidney and liver problems have put him back in the hospital again; and we would like to invite our friends to join us in sending another gift of support.
(To Christians, the "affordable" government hospitals in Pakistan are little more than places that people go to die. In Pakistan people are identified as "christian" at birth, and made to cry this designation throughout their lives on their ID and even their passports. In Pakistan, an Islamic country by law, Christians are socially slighted and looked down on as a kind of "lower caste," and persecuted in a thousand ways, and treated with scorn.)
So we’d like to raise $2000.00 to help put him back into private care, and see if anything can be done long-term. Partner with us in this???
Recently in Pakistan…
Our Pakastani friends are suffering again, under a recent and very harshly enforced lockdown. Once again they have critical needs for food and cash for medical, rent, utilities. We are putting together a forth, (in the past year), benevolent package for them to distribute throughout their town to verified needs. Likely we will send it to them on Tuesday of next week. This community is normally self-supporting. These circumstance-specific distributions to the entire community, including muslims, hindus, and sikhs through the church are empowering them to impact their community. We are being intentional not to foster dependence on us. Please designate your contribution.
Also provided were oil, lentils, corn, and other essentials.
A truckload of bags of flour to feed an entire community…
Pastor helps someone get loaded up with provisions.
A lady balanced a huge bag of flour on her head.